This project is
an experiment that looks at the transmission of effects in crowd behavior. New
research in psychology suggest that the behavior of individuals in groups can
be influenced by the hidden effects of pheromones that in turn cause hormones
to be secreted in the blood of another. In this way our social actions can be
understood to change our biology. Other more conscious behavioral effects can
be seen in the way we respond to auditory and physical engagement, especially
in the form of rhythm which is known to have regulating effects in the way it
enhances our sense of collective purpose and common understanding. We feel this
connection when we dance or sing together in unison, in these ways armies,
dance clubs and religious orders purposely make use of this effect.
This project
attempts to facilitate a situation in which these effects become visible. The
work is a document of an event presented as if it is happening in real time.
Everyone in the crowd was hooked up via headphones to a temporary FM radio
station that was created specifically for the video shoot. The sound the crowd
was hearing was designed to create a shared rhythm pattern that encouraged the
group to move in unison. This sound however is mostly hidden from the viewer
who is watching the video from inside the gallery. What the viewer hears
instead is the sound of the approaching crowd perceived well before the crowd
itself becomes visible. The purpose behind the crowd's behavior appears
organized but is remains unclear and open to interpretation.
In the
exhibition a double projection inhabited the same viewing space that the event
was shot from, essentially become a window to the same street that the crowd
had occupied.
Video Shot through interior to the outside
Hyde Park Art Center (outside)
Final installation view from Inside HPAC
Installation view. Hyde Park Art Center Video Projected flush to floor.